Website Accessibility

In order to make the Rutgers University Department of Psychology website more accessible to people with multiple disabilities, it has been designed with compliance to the strictest standards according to the W3C, the respected authority on web governance.

This page contains information and guidance to help visitors when using this site.

W3C: This website complies with the guidelines for accessible design as suggested by the World Wide Web Consortium and United States Governments Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act. The pages on this website validate according to the following standards:

1 All pages on this site whenever possible comply with the WCAG-AAA priority 1, 2, and 3 guidelines of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
2 All pages on this site are approved, complying with all of the Section 508 Guidelines.
3 All pages on this site validate as XHTML 1.1

Useful Links

The British Broadcasting Corporation BBC has developed an extensive website which aids users in utilizing a variety of accesability tools online for example browsers, on screen magnifiers, etc:

BBC Accessibility
Accessibility Wikipedia
Section 508
WebAim: Web Accessibility in Mind
Who designed this website?